MOVES - Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges
Referência: Grant agreement ID: 812764
Acrónimo: DMOVES
Datas: 2019 - 2022
Financiamento: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action
CITCEM's participation in MOVES – Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges –a European Joint Doctorate (EJD) funded by the European Union, fits with its strategic plan for 2020-2023, which comes under the broad theme of "Migration and Permeability". Simultaneously, it meets the R&D Unit's priorities regarding advanced training schemes, as well as the recruitment of national and international postgraduates, and an effective external strategy to develop further international networks.
MOVES is defined by a unique collaboration between university researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences and partners across sectors (NGOs, charities working with migrants and cultural and creative industries) in 5 EU countries.
MOVES will enable a new generation of experts to gain the historical knowledge required to respond to future migration crises with innovative solutions. Their training will combine the study of historical and political developments with the analysis of literature and related forms of fictional and non-fictional writing. It will foster the transfer of new knowledge to non-academic audiences. Students will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to intervene in current debates about global uncertainties and new worldwide challenges by building both on a fully historicised understanding of the past and on their own experience with mobility and collaboration across international teams. Their training will enhance their intellectual autonomy, preparing them to exercise leadership in future projects both in academia and in society.
Detalhes do projeto
Investigador responsável (IR): Rui Carvalho Homem
Investigador responsável no CITCEM: Amélia Polónia
Promotor(es): FLUP, CITCEM, CETAPS, CNRS, IRCL, Charles University, Freie Universität Berlin, Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier III, University of Kent, Univerzita Karlova